Home Security Cameras Upgraded – Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Details of CCTV Installation:
Home CCTV installation
4 x HD Colorvu CCTV cameras
Additional memory added
White CCTV cameras
Quick and tidy installation
Human perimeter protection
Fully re-cabled for longevity, reliability and picture quality
Huddersfield, Yorkshire
Looking for CCTV at your home?

More info about this home CCTV installation in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire!
Zone CCTV upgraded this homeowners security system in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. The old CCTV system used infra-red cameras which only produced an unclear black and white picture at night. Our CCTV iunstallation engineers decommissioned the old CCTV system and fully re-cabled for a new CCTV system.
We installed 4 new CCTV cameras in total, covering the full 360 degrees of the property.
The customer can work away sometimes, so the human detection perimeter protection features was very important. Boundary’s can be set around the property, if a person walks over the beam, a notification is sent to the customers mobile devices. The system proactively lets the customer know when someone is on his property whilst he is away.
An example of the human detection alerts can be found on the video below.
If you have an old CCTV system that requires an upgrade, feel free to contact us for advice. We can update you with the very latest CCTV cameras on the market. ZoneCCTV supply, install and support our commercial and residential customers looking for the best CCTV products.