Home CCTV Install – Bradford, West Yorkshire
Details of CCTV Installation:
Home CCTV installation
3 x HD CCTV cameras
Perimeter protection activated
Recording every second in full HD
Sky Hawk Hard Drive and DVR
Linked to all customer mobile devices
3 star anti-snap security locks installed
Bradford, West Yorkshire
Looking for CCTV at your home?

More info about this home CCTV installation in Bradford!
Here is an installation of Hikvision CCTV TVI cameras for a residential customer in Bradford, West Yorkshire. The customer had recently moved into the area and wanted to secure the property. We installed 3 high definition CCTV cameras to cover the front, side and rear of the property.
The cables were neatly fixed to the house in such a way that meant they were out of view. The DVR will record every second of footage, backed up to the local hard drive. The hard drives we use are made by Sky Hawk. They are the surveillance model, a little more expensive, but designed for CCTV so they last longer and operate much more efficiently.
During the site survey, our engineers also pointed out to the customer that the patio doors were potentially vulnerable due to the poor quality locks in use on the doors. ZoneCCTV offer lock upgrades and can install the highest quality 3-star anti-snap cylinder locks. The 3-star locks are a great way of boosting your home security.
More information on replacing your locks can be found here.
If you are local to Bradford and looking to improve your home security, feel free to call ZoneCCTV on 0113 8800134 to book in your site survey today.
Take a look at more examples of residential CCTV installations here.